CHES 2012 Webinar Series

Time:  0900 BC/1000 AB & SK/1100 MB/1200 ON & QC/1300 NS & NB/1330 NL
One hour in length

Wednesday March 7, 2012

Bill C-45: Perils and Opportunities
Speaker:  Darcy MacPherson, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg

This webinar will address Bill C-45.  This Bill passed in 2003, creates organizational criminal liability for many types of organizations, including healthcare facilities.  It also puts those responsible under duties to others.  Therefore, the webinar will talk to you about the perils for you personally, and your organization.  Beyond this, though, the webinar will offer risk minimization strategies for these perils.  Also, the presenter will offer some opportunities for our members to use this bill as a way to encourage others not to place barriers to best practices for our members.  in other words, the Bill can be used to counter institutional pressure and ensure the best practices for clients and the organization.  Tune in to learn the risks you face, and the opportunities!

Wednesday April 18, 2012

Speaker: John Hurley, National Manager, Canada, Specified Technologies Inc., Olympia QA

When managing fire-barrier integrity, the high water mark for compliance is generally the point of initial occupancy, and things gradually deteriorate from there.  Why is this and how do we overcome it?  During new construction, major additions and renovations, a building permit is in force and design professionals and AHJ's are required to look after the work done by subcontractors to ensure that firestop is installed correctly before a certificate of occupancy is issued.  Once CO is issued however, the sets of eyes looking after fire-barrier integrity disappear, but construction activity above the ceiling grid and in telecom closets continues.  Technology upgrades, among other reasons, drive a nearly endless need for network cable infrastructure to be moved, added and changed, and it is precisely this change that seems to leave fire-barrier integrity resembling Swiss cheese even in a new building within a few short months following occupancy.  In this program, we'll explore products, practices and methods that can overcome this issue and help ensure compliant fire-barrier integrity over time despite the endless change resulting from building service penetration.

Wednesday October 17, 2012

Energy Management
Speaker: Jack Carcasole, P.Eng., MBA, Director of Business Management, Siemens Canada Limited
               Peter Lukacko, P.Eng., EES Operations Manager, Siemens Canada Limited

The Building Automation System – A Powerful Energy Tool
A Building Automation System – or BAS – is the nervous system of a building, and most institutional and commercial facilities utilize them to varying degrees.
The BAS has 3 primary functions:
1) Control
2) Monitoring
3) Reporting
Beyond these functions however, the BAS is a very powerful tool, often underutilized, especially in playing a role in helping organizations succeed in their energy and sustainability initiatives.
This presentation will outline:
> Common BAS-based Energy Savings Opportunities
> How the BAS can conserve energy with no impact on space and occupant comfort
> Howe the BAS provides a platform for sustainable planning
> Expanding the capabilities of the BAS to support an energy plan

Wednesday November 21, 2012

CSA Z7396.1-12 - Protecting Patients from No Gas, Wrong Gas, and Bad Gas situations: The latest version of the medical gas piping standard and what it means to Health Care Facilities
Speaker: Barry Hunt, President & CEO, Class 1 Inc., Cambridge ON
               Jeff Smith, Business Development, Hemisphere Engineering, Edmonton AB

This session will highlight major changes, additions, or deletions of this soon to be released Standard and how they will impact new construction, renovations, and ongoing operations at Canadian healthcare facilities.  Also, supporting CSA technical training tools specifically related to medical gas systems will be discussed and how they support the continuing evolution of this critical service required by hospitals and their patients.


CHES Member Series Ticket:      $90 + $11.70 HST = $101.70 (1-time payment for all 4 sessions)
Non-member Series Ticket:        $120 + $15.60 HST = $135.60 (1-time payment for all 4 sessions)

Webinar Series Register

CHES Member Single Webinar:   $30 + $3.90 HST   = $ 33.90 (per webinar) 
Non-Member Single Webinar:     $40 + $5.20 HST   = $45.60 (per webinar)

Single Webinar Register


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